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The working principle of air compressor

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The working principle of air compressor

1, the suction process:

The inlet side of the screw inspiratory mouth, must be designed to make the compression chamber can inhale fully, no air intake and exhaust valve group and screw compressor, air intake by a regulating valve opening and closing adjustment, as the rotor turns, main rotor tooth groove space when transferred to the inlet end wall openings, its space is the largest, the rotor tooth groove space and liberty in the inlet air are interlinked, because of the exhaust air is full of tooth canal of discharge, at the end of the exhaust, tooth groove is in a vacuum, when transferred to air inlet, outside air is inhaled, along the axial flow into the main rotor tooth groove. When the air is full of the whole tooth groove, the inlet of the rotor side face turn away from the chassis of the air inlet, air is blocked between the tooth groove, above, for the admission process.


2, closed and transportation process:


Main two rotor at the end of the suction, and its main rotor tooth summit with casing sealed closed, the air inside the tooth groove sealed closed no longer outflows, namely process [closed]. Two rotor continues to turn, the teeth with tooth groove on the suction side, consistent surface gradually moving to the exhaust end, this is known as [process].


3, compression and injection process:


In the process of conveying, mating surface gradually moving to the exhaust end, i.e. between meshing tooth groove between the face and vent gradually decreases, and tooth groove gas gradually compressed, pressure increase, this is known as compression process. And compression lubricating oil at the same time because of the action of pressure difference and spray into the compression indoor mixed with the gas chamber.



4, exhaust process:



When the meshing surfaces of the rotor to the mines with casing exhaust, (the highest pressure of the compressed gas) of the compressed air to escape to until of teeth and tooth groove of the mating surface to the exhaust end face, the two rotor mating surface and the tooth groove casing vent space is zero, namely complete (exhaust process), at the same time the rotor mesh surface and casing length of tooth groove between the inlet and the longest, the suction process is in progress.


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The company specializes in providing a series of related service products such as air compressor, post-treatment and purification equipment, aerodynamic tools and air compression equipment accessories and maintenance.

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